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Your rights on arrest?
file under Tax and Criminal Law
The Spanish Constitution recognizes the dignity of people, their inviolable rights, free development of personality, respect for the law and for the rights of others. The Constitution itself includes people´s fundamental rights and freedoms, reflecting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international Treaties and agreements on human rights ratified by Spain.
Legal Separations
file Get Divorced
If you are uncertain about divorce but don´t want to continue living with your spouse, legal separaration is an alternative. Similar to divorce, a legal separation decides custody, child support, spousal suport, and the division of assets and liabilities.
Restriction on the title to your home
file under Real Estate
Your real estate lawyer will investigate the legal title of property you want to buy, and may find a variety of iusses you´ll need to understand.
Buying and Selling Property
file under Real Estate
Every conveyance of real estate consists of a two-steps process. First, there must be a land contract. The land contract is short-lived and endures only until step two, the closing of the transaction.